Regardless of your age, you can look much younger. Women over 40 years old are allowed many dramatic changes, at the same time you need to be careful not to make your image too youthful. The best option for haircuts for women over 40 years is a stylish and practical length to the shoulders. In the material, we will tell and show, the most relevant medium haircuts for lovely ladies over 40 years old.
Fashion trends
The medium length is becoming more and more popular. The reason is that ladies leave not too short hair, which allows you to experiment with hairstyles. At the same time, hair with this length requires less active care than long curls.
The variety of haircuts makes it possible to find the perfect option for women with any hair structure and face oval. Also, modern model haircuts medium length can include fashionable techniques: graduation, filleting, ragged ends.
With shoulder-length you can show imagination with bangs. In the first place, bangs are a simple tool to rejuvenate the image, which is very relevant for women over 40 years. In the second, bangs are also excellent for any facial structure. This year, in demand bangs blind, oblique or extended, but also looks harmonious haircuts without bangs.

Fashionable haircuts to the shoulders for women over 40 years
In this season, the stylish options of flat and classic haircuts have gained particular popularity. Among them, it is worth highlighting the usual square haircut, but with a length to the shoulders. This haircut is incredibly feminine and adds sophistication and attractive charm to any lady. The styling of the care to the shoulders can be practically absent, as the natural and simple beauty is in fashion.
In second place among the ideal haircuts to the shoulders for ladies over 40 years can put the sought-after cascade. Thanks to the shape of the haircut, the lady gets a very airy and light image, which is very easy to remake in a bold and austere appearance. Styling such a haircut takes a minimum of time, allowing a woman to spend precious hours on more pleasant things to do.
And to complete the top three best haircuts to the shoulders is the mega popular long bob haircut. The haircut harmoniously blends into the image of a woman over 40 years old. With a modern and stylish haircut, the lady will be able to significantly rejuvenate her image and increase her self-esteem.
Shoulder-length haircuts are an ideal option for luxurious ladies over 40 years old. The easy look of the haircut, attractive length and spectacular shape will give a woman the opportunity to be more beautiful, young and stylish.
There are a huge number of variants of how to cut the hair on the average length. Some solutions belong to the classic and recognizable to most people, even far from the hairdressing art, others differ from each other only by subtle details in which only experts are aware. This is how hairstyles like “flip” and other modern solutions, completely unknown to the previous generation, appear.
We will not delve into the maze of subtle categorization of hairdresser’s findings, but instead limit ourselves to reviewing the most well-known, decades-tested stylistic solutions that have become the basis for all these stylish innovations. These solutions, despite being invented many decades ago, are still relevant today, and certainly if you want something more original, just ask your hairdresser to add newfangled details to an established base.
- The elongated braid is one of the most popular hairstyles of the last decades. It has flat edges along the entire length of the head and differs from the usual variant by lengthening to the shoulders, due to which many men do not even realize that it is also a square cut. Such a hairstyle is good because it can always be trimmed to a classic square, simplifying the care, and grow to a considerable length, preferring a hairstyle based on curls.
- The extended bob is another super-popular hairstyle, which is voluminous on the crown and on the average covers a little more of the face due to the presence of long and highly visible bangs. It is a good option for all hair types, as the illustration confirms. It is especially appropriate on young girls who are willing to compensate for the lack of maximum length with significant volume. The presence of bangs already allows you to experiment with the method of styling, but sometimes it is not too prominent, which is why the line between the bob and the bob is quite thin.
- Cascade is called one of the best solutions for unruly hair – although they curl as they please, in general the look turns out nice and holistic. To create a hairstyle is made by filing the strands – they are made of different lengths, so as not to interfere with each other, located in a semi-circle in front, even not always twisting in the same direction. Strangely enough, this makes the whole hairstyle a little more docile, it curls, but predictably.
- Sometimes separately consider also haircuts to the shoulders with bangs, although in most cases they are a variation of one of the above hairstyles and in the circle of stylists may have a completely different, special name. Relatively short hair does not mean that the face must be completely open – a girl herself decides how long the bangs should be and how much it closes the forehead and cheekbones. Acceptable options are both oblique, and straight, and filigree bangs – it all depends on your preferences.